Almost every attendance machine brand available in India is already integrated with Payroll Insights Biometric Attendance Module
Payroll InsightsBiometric Attendance Software empowers you to manage your attendance process in best possible ways. Its powerful rule engine ensures implementation of all your attendance policies. Almost every attendance machine brand available in India is already integrated with the tool.
‘Time Reckon’ connects everybody in the organization with a Web Based Employee Self Service portal and a Mobile App based self-service portal. ‘Solution’ has hundreds of reports and graphical widgets to give you a 360-degree snapshot of your manpower. Our attendance software is fully customizable and can be integrated with your existing ERP software as well.

Our Biometric Attendance Software Features

Multiple Attendance/Payroll Cycles
- Salary calculation on the basis of cut-off dates
- Attendance corrections for previous months
- Auto-Arrear calculation for attendance corrections
- Auto Lapse short leaves and other leaves as per policies
- Month locking according to cycles
Shift Rotation Monthly/Weekly/ Range Based
- Supports user defined shifts with work timings and lunch timings
- Even support different timing on the bases of week days
- Allows you to define rotation schemes
- Supports Flexi Shifts
- Automatically marks miss-punch status if employee forgets to punch
- Mis-Punch rectification workflow for online and Mobile App
- Automate all attendance policies Late coming, Early Going, Minimum working hours
Multiple Holiday Set and Weekly off Plans
- Empowers you to define different Holiday Sets i.e South Holidays, North Holidays etc.
- Allocating different Holiday Sets even at Employee level
- Empowers you to define different Weekly Off Plan i.e 5 Working days, 6 Working days etc.
- Supports rotational Weekly Off Plan
- Workflow to manage compensatory Off
Attendance Machine Integration for real time attendance
- Automatic collection of attendance
- Integration with existing attendance devices
- 99% brands available are already integrated
- Collects or pushes attendance from Cloud Server if required
- Easy to integrate attendance machines data with biometric attendance software
- Attendance marking from mobile devices with Geo Location Tagging
- Easy to integrate with 3rd Party Solutions
Overtime Management and Compliances
- Empowers you to manage overtime effectively with OT Planning workflow
- Multi-level approval workflow for planning
- Allows you tag overtime with the reason for OT
- Approval on actual overtime done, adjustment in hours for actual payment
- Analytics for overtime
Scheduled Attendance Reports – No more dependency on people
- Allows you to schedule attendance reports
- All respective process owners get attendance status of their team automatically at fixed time
- No manual intervention required
- Configurable email body with inline data or attachments
- Empowers everybody in your organisation
- Relevant reports sent to respective process stakeholders at scheduled frequency